Thursday, May 20, 2010

Blog #6

My most favorite Geology topic:
My most favorite Geology topic was learning about rock textures, streaks, and density. Like how rock streaks are not the same color as the rock giving off the streak. Like how rock on the surface can be younger and less dense than rock found below ground level. Metamorphic, Sedimentary, and Igneous rock are apart of the rock cycle but they don't have a beginning or an end.
My most favorite Meterology topic:
My most favorite Meterology topic was learning about the high and low systems and the weather that comes with them. Like how high pressure systems have clockwise turn which is a anticyclone generater and a low pressure system is a counter-clockwise turn that generates cyclones. They also create hurricanes, tornadoes, and thunderstorms, but thunderstorms don't have a intensity scale to measure them.
My most favorite Astronomy topic:
My most favorite astronomy topic was learning about the stars patterns, bightness and dimmness, and it's sequence lifespan. Like how Red Giants are brighter than our normal sun but is much colder than our sun is. Plus and sun becomes a Red Giant, then a White dwarf, and then it becomes a black dwarf. Also if a Red Giant exploses, then a Supernova will take place.
The grade I think I should get:
I thik that I should get a 98% because I worked really hard on all my assignments and I turned them all in on time. I followed all your direction down to the "T" and I made sure that it was very creative. Thats why I think that i deserve A 98% because I don't feel like I did a 100% job.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Blog #5

Meteorology (Units 5 and 6)-Pages: 392-600
By: Dimas Thibeault

Wordle: Untitled

Friday, May 7, 2010

Blog #4

1. I believe that the sphere exploded because it was compacked with materails, energies, elements, and other things. It probably exploded because it needed more room to hold itself and we are just part other another explotion.

2. If we were to touch the edge of the balck hole, we would end up swirling to the center. I don't know wat might happen at the center but if it can't eat everything then it will split you part in two jet beams.

3. I think if you go through a worm hole, you might end up in another galaxy or another part of the solar system or universe. You might be transported to years ago, or two years later. The locaions can be endless.