Friday, February 19, 2010

Pangaea Time Scale

1. Similar: Rodinia and Pangaea similarities were at the beginning of their formations, they were this one big cluster of land. Similar to the super continent.

Differences: Rodinia just started from the center and fanned out from their to their current locations now. While Pangaea fanned out from the center, to the edges of the Robinson map, and back to their current locations today.

2: The time period that had the most tectonic change was the 420-350 time spans.

3: We wouldn't really need as many planes as we do today, but we would increase train useage. We would probably have a one government system, and most people will not be separate but more of the same. It will be hard to make many international teams because we all live so close together, and some world issues from before the change would most likely end.

4: If I had to choose which continent to start life on, I would choose to be in North America. It's closer to the edge than the center of Africa, so fish and other sea creatures will be easier to take, keep, and sell. We are also about half way from the north and the south of he continent, so travelers will have to get through our civilization. Our land would help other lands prosper and help build connections.

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